The MaxSold method..
MaxSold Managed
Duis ultrices massa iaculis, faucibus
urna et, pulvinar nulla. In fringilla
neque ultrices rutrum vehicula.
MaxSold solves a common
problem: what do you do with
all the stuff when your client
is downsizing, decluttering
or liquidating an estate?
MaxSold has a long-standing
track record of supporting
move managers and
professional organizers in
fulfilling the goals of their
clients. How does it work?
Step 1. Photograph
and catalogue items
You can do this yourself or with
your client using our app or you can
hire our MaxSold teams to facilitate
the process of lotting, photographs
and cataloguing.
Step 2. The auction
goes live
While keeping the address private,
we market your auction to our pre-
registered bidders and place targeted
ads on social media to potential
buyers in your area.
Step 3. Pick-up Day
With scheduled appointments for
collecting items, pick-up day runs
smoothly and at the end, 96% of
items are cleared from the premises.
What Happens Next?
A representative from MaxSold will be
contacting you by phone today! If you
miss the call or would like to call a
representative yourself, please call:
The MaxSold method..
MaxSold Managed
Duis ultrices massa iaculis, faucibus
urna et, pulvinar nulla. In fringilla
neque ultrices rutrum vehicula.
MaxSold Seller Managed
Duis ultrices massa iaculis faucibus
urna et, pulvinar nulla. In fringilla
neque ultrices rutrum vehicula.
MaxSold Hybrid
MaxSold Managed
Duis ultrices massa iaculis, faucibus
urna et, pulvinar nulla. In fringilla
neque ultrices rutrum vehicula.
MaxSold By The Numbers
Duis ultrices massa iaculis, faucibus urna et, pulvinar nulla. In fringilla neque ultrices
rutrum vehicula.spent on. Curabitur pretium vitae dui a sodales.
MaxSold was founded in
2010 by Barry who n is a
veteran auctioneer and
appraiser, and the only
Canadian inductee in the
Hall of Fame of the
National Auctioneers
Association of the United
Lorem ipsum dolor sit
amet, consectetur
adipiscing elit. Praesent
eleifend felis vitae dictum
maximus. Donec molestie
lobortis ipsum, nec auctor
dui rhoncus sed.
Lorem ipsum dolor sit
amet, consectetur
adipiscing elit. Praesent
eleifend felis vitae dictum
maximus. Donec molestie
lobortis ipsum, nec auctor
dui rhoncus sed.
We extend the life of things
for new generations to love
88 Broklyn Golden Street. New York